Christ was not born on the 25th of December and history shows that the celebration of Christmas has its roots in pagan practices. In the Old testament God cursed Israel for adopting pagan feast days: "Behold, I will rebuke your seed, and will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your feasts; and ye shall be taken away with it" (Malachi 2:3, American Standard Bible). The Bible never reveals to us the day Christs was born, and not once do we see the apostles of Christ celebrating Jesus' birth. Yet Christmas is one of the most popular 'Christian' holidays today. Nonetheless I choose to celebrate this 'holiday' and I will explain why.
Just a few days ago before I had the idea of ever making this post I felt something I had never felt before during this season. Its the feeling of emptiness that comes after all the gifts have been unwrapped and hours, days, weeks have passed by. Pagan holiday or not most people who are not in the faith will forget about Christ or put him on the back burner. The gifts we give don't last. As I write this post I now understand what the Holy Spirit might have been trying to get me to understand all along. The greatest gift a man can give another is the knowledge and understanding that Christ is real, still living, loves us, and wants us to surrender ourselves to him. What more potent, lasting, and permanent gift can I give than igniting the spark that could lead my fellow family member or friend to finding God? What gift is more valuable than eternal life with our father? Celebrating the birth of Jesus will mean nothing if we don't celebrate his gift to us. Christmas means nothing, Christ means everything.
I pray that no matter what happens from this moment on that I continue to follow my King so that one day after this life is over I will forever give thanks and worship him the way it was always meant to be.
Source: Christmas?